
Daylilies are a hardy perennial and are vibrant in color. We have over 550 field grown Daylily cultivars.
Our “Bloom Season” runs from the end of June through August with peak bloom season around July 4th.
Daylilies add beautiful color to your garden all summer long!

New this Year!

'Rich in Mercy'

A showy daylily that will stop you in your tracks as it blooms in midsummer! Deep purple flowers have a lavender watermark with a white edge.

Rich in Mercy
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

'Fearfully& Wonderfully Made'

This early-midseason variety produces 5.5″ flowers that are pink coral with a cranberry/red eye with fun pie crust edges.



Peak Bloom Season

Daylily Days in July

Walk through our display gardens and experience incredible combinations of plants, colors and texture! Tours available in Late June through August.

Daylilies at Harmony Nursery

Daylily Index

Download a complete list of our Daylilies!

We have over 550 daylily cultivars. Download the PDF below to view daylilies by name including details on their color, size, bloom time, and more!

Growing Daylilies

Daylilies are easy, care-free perennials. They are drought tolerant and do not need a lot of attention. You will get larger blooms if you water during dry conditions.

Plant from April until October. Grows best in full sun with 4 to 5 hours of direct sun. Darker colored varieties will benefit from partial shade.


Soak your bare-root daylilies in water for an hour before planting. Plant the daylily crown  (where the roots meet the fans) no deeper than one inch below the soil surface. Dig a hole with a bridge of dirt across the middle to keep the crown from being planted too deep. Spread the roots on either side of the bridge. 


Plant daylilies 24 inches apart. Mulch and water after planting. Soybean mulch and wood chips are good choices. Water once a week depending on the weather.


Dead heading will keep the garden neat.

Ordering and Shipping

Jenni Talks Daylilies

Come visit us at Harmony Nursery!