Pine Bosnian Satallite®: Superior slender pine with dense upright branching and long clusters of green needles. 12-15 feet tall x 3-4 feet wide.
Armstrong Gold Maple: A narrow, fastigiate ornamental tree with great form; medium green foliage gives way to fall colors ranging from golden to orange. 40′ x 12′
Espresso Kentucky Coffee: Large shade tree with forest green foliage throughout the season and a seedless cultivar. 50′ x 35′
Sycamore Silverwood: Has large green leaves and good branching structure. It’s white bark is beautiful. This tree will reach 75 to 100 feet tall with a similar spread.
(Some may not be available until June 15th.)
Korean Maple, Sycamore, Coralburst Crabapple, Royal raindrops Crabapple, Sugar Tyme Crabapple, Red Barron Crabapple, Velvet Pillar Crabapple, Camelot Crabapple, Ivory Silk Lilac, Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry.
Concolor Fir, Douglas Fir, Korean Pine, Vanderwolf’s Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Eastern White Pine, Swiss Stone Pine, Lacebark Pine, Bacheri Spruce, Black Hills Spruce, Colorado Spruce, Fat Albert Spruce, Hoopsii Spruce, Norway Spruce.